Meetings occur in September, January, April (election meeting), and May and take place in person at Roach Middle School at 5:00pm unless otherwise noted. We will update this page with upcoming meeting dates and meeting minutes. Sign up to be notified of future meetings.
January General Meeting
Thursday, May 4 Roach Middle School Library 6:00-6:30pm
Current PTA members are emailed a registration link prior to the meeting date. Upon registering, you will be provided the Zoom conference link. All general and special meetings will take place via Zoom. We encourage you to note the above scheduled meeting dates and save them to your calendar.
Do i have to be a registered pta member to attend?
Yes, only current Roach PTA members may attend meetings. To become a Roach PTA member, visit and register.
what is a special meeting?
From time to time, we require a member vote between regularly scheduled general meetings. Members will be notified of special meetings via email and provided a link to register to obtain Zoom conference details.
what is expected of me during the meeting?
Your attendance and vote are enough. Meeting agendas include approval of prior meeting minutes and reports from the principal and PTA president and officers. During the meeting, a vote may be required. Your vote will be recorded in the meeting minutes.
How can i obtain meeting minutes?
Roach PTA is committed to working in a transparent fashion. Prior meeting minutes are reviewed and approved during the general meeting. For a copy of past meeting minutes, contact us via this form.
What happens if i cannot attend a meeting?
That's okay. Meetings are not mandatory. However, attendance allows members to have a transparent view into fundraising goals, progress, community and campus involvement.
How long are meetings?
Meetings are generally 30 minutes but this varies based on the agenda. The agenda includes review and approval of the prior meeting's minutes, principal and PTA officer reports, and items which fall into "other business".